Today is the day we see all our finished work and there is some very good projects. From the blogs I've seen over the last few weeks, the work is very impressive with each game being different. There are different genres of games displayed which is good it won't make everyone's game seem repetitive.
The first game project that caught my eye was Dani's game, Battle for Cleotopia. Before playing it, I watched as others played it and I was very impressed by it. I eventually played it and felt like playing the alpha of a big triple a game. It was clear that a lot of work went into this game as there is lots of detail gone into it. There was sounds, action button to attack, moving platforms, objects that help open doors in the game, a good artistic pause menu and even enemy npcs. It was great to see this work and I hope inspires myself and others to try make something like this one day.
The Tiny Farm was created as a group project and this was another great project. Like Dani's game, its clear a lot of work went into this game and it even looks like a game that is ready to be sold. The art designs of the farm with the farmer and animals is really good. The game looks like it runs well as when questions are answered, the player is taken to the next question. Sounds are also used in this game and they go well with the game.
The game that I was interested to see most was the 1916 Rising game. The game's terrain design looks really good but unfortunately the game wasn't fully finished which is a shame cause it is an exciting project based on the 1916 Rising.
Some really good work was done and I hope everyone is happy with how they did in this module.