Sunday, October 28, 2018

Game Design Document

                                                                    GDD screenshot
GDD Link

When first making a game design document with the example template given on Dundoc, I didn't have a clue what to do at first. After some time, I realized what I had to do. I have done document with some early ideas I have for my game. There was some sections I hadn't even thought of yet like sounds for my game and I'm not sure what I will do for sound right now.

There is still a long way to go. More things will be needed for my game idea and I'll work more on Dundoc.

Enjoyed this task and look forward to the next.



  1. Hey Ciaran!
    This game looks like its going to be really fun. I like that the game is going to include different enemies. I think this will really add to the diversity of the game. What types of enemies will be in the game? Will the levels be easy or difficult to finish? You should add more detail to your final GDD, it will definitely help you when you start coding the game. I've seen loads of tutorials for 2D platformer games on Youtube so the code shouldn't be hard to find. What if you add in a really big boss to the last level and give him lots of health points.
    Anyway good luck with the rest of the game's development, in my opinion, it has the potential to be a great game. I'm glad to see you're making a 2D platforming game.

  2. Hi Ciaran! I think everyone opened up the DunDoc template and just went "What is this?!"... It looked insanely hard at start, especially for me, because I haven't really thought of my game in terms of sounds and controls and things like that. Anyway!

    I like your game idea, I think it sounds pretty fun, but there are few more parts that you should consider and include in your document, for example, like Conor said, the types of enemies as they seem to be important part of the game. Also, do you plan to include a backstory for the main character, Wolf? Why does he prefer to work alone? How did he even become a bounty hunter?

    Good luck with your final document and the game!

  3. Hi Ciaran, It was good to read your DunDoc and to get an idea how you're planning on designing your game. I like your controls for the game at first I was like that's a bit weird cause it wasn't the classic WASD you're used to for PC games but after trying it out it feels good and seems like it will work well. I wonder how you plan on having the background will you have it be pixel art as I read someone else is planning or will plan on doing something else. I think it would be really cool if you could get like a temporary boost that would transform your character into a wolf as this is his name and he gets special moves. Good luck with your game Ciaran I am looking forward to seeing it when it is finished.

  4. Hey Ciaran! I really enjoyed reading your Dundoc, your game sounds like an interesting take on a first person action shooter game. The look and feel of an animated sci-fi type of theme is really cool and makes your game stand out. Wolf is a badass name for a character so you've already got my interest! The story of the game and the background story of Wolf are really interesting. Do you have a name for this criminal that Wolf is hunting? I like how you're going to do different levels in different locations like in a city and in a jungle, there's a good contrast there and a huge difference in scenery so I think that'll keep the player interested. Will the player have to unlock these different levels? The point of view from the character's laser rifle is an interesting camera position I imagine it'd feel more life-like this way. All the best creating your game:)

  5. Hey Ciaran,
    I really liked reading your Game Design Document. It had a lot of great information in and gave me a greta feel for your game and what you want to achieve. The story sounds so good got me interested from the get go, just wondering when you meet characters during the game will we automatically know if they are there to help us or are helping the criminal? I love the idea that there will be different location I find when games are just in one they can get quite repetitive so it'll be great to have the different locations to explore throughout. I also really like that there will be elements of sci-fi too that will make the game unique its a great selling point. Your GDD was a great read and got me excited to hopefully play your game in the future. Good Luck with your game cant wait to see the finished product!!!!
