Sunday, October 14, 2018

Game Idea Research

From the ideas I came up with in my game brainstorm ideas, I have chosen to do research on my platform game idea. The platform genre has been around for many years and has many mechanics that have given unique experiences in many platform games. Below are possible game mechanics I may implement in this game idea.

 Mechanic 1: The first mechanic I've research is probably the most important mechanic in a platform game which is jumping. I found some research on this mechanic from this link. In the link, it leads to a web page that contains a video that helps explain jumping in platform games and how they can make or break a game. What I like most about this video is how important fairness is to the player when jumping. It tells if a jump is hard, it's cheap or if a jump is easy, it's boring.

Mechanic 2: The second mechanic I may use is moving platforms. Basically the player would have to reach a platform that may be above or below them but the platform moves and the player may have to jump to reach them. With this, players will have to plan out how to reach the platform by timing their jumps.

Mechanic 3: The third mechanic I may add to this platform game is a speed boost mechanic. The idea of this is when a player collects an item like a gem for example, they will receive a boost in movement which makes the player move faster for a certain amount of time. This mechanic would help players reach the end goal of the mission/stage quicker in the game. I think this mechanic may be helpful if I added a feature where you may see how long you have spent on a mission so players may try do a speed run on the stages to see how quickly they can finish them.

                                                            Super Mario (Image Link)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ciaran!
    I'm glad to see you chose to make a platforming game. The mechanics you chose are definitely iconic to platforming games. There should be plenty of tutorials online showing how to make these game mechanics. Your game really reminds me of the Mario game series. I'd like to see you add a speed run feature, I'm sure I could beat your fastest time ;)
